Happy to announce that the next Open Studios will be in September. I have joined forces with Herts Visual Arts, bringing together the amazing range of artists that live and work in Hertfordshire. I will be open on 8 and 15 September 11.30am – 5pm. New work will be on show and there is an opportunity to buy direct (works from £150).
This promises to be an inspiring month with a great depth of Hertfordshire’s artistic talent on show throughout. Hertfordshire is a large county so there will be a lovely thick booklet to whet the appetite and to keep everybody engrossed for the whole month. I will be listed as ‘Enterprise Arts’, and will be showing with a colleague, Hilary Kidd, who works with mixed media 2d photography and print. See more of her work at www.hilarykidd.com.
Register your interest by contacting me via the contact page to receive the brochure but watch social media for updates and developments: #hertsopenstudios