BBC Sunday Morning

5th March 2024

Sarah on BBC Sunday Morning March 2023

On 5 March 2023 I appeared on BBC Sunday Morning Live.  It was a great and precious opportunity to talk on national television about the benefits and positive impact that mindfulness clay can have on us.

Sally Phillips and Sean Fletcher even tried their hand at making pinch pots in a demonstration of how accessible and soothing it can be.

It was international woman’s day and so the serendipity of celebrating this achievement was not lost on me.  The year unfolded into a new studio for the home of mindfulness clay and the amazing new opportunities this has given me.

If you would like to see the full interview please contact me direct (the file is really large so not for posting on socials).

#thankyou #BBCSundayMorning #art #connection #mindfulnessclay #interview


Home Farm, Aldenham

Home Farm, Aldenham

'.'               There is not much to report here at the moment, as I am only just finding out about this historic site,...

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