The move to the new studio feels more complete now I have a doorstop! It feels like the great punctuation mark in the flow of my practice and moment to reflect on which step to take next. There has now been a solid 9 months of making in the new space and the Open...
New yellow and glossy finish
A little detail of one of my #thrown #handmade #stoneware #ceramic #bowls #tableware #Herts #HertsOpenStudios #yellow #white #turquoise #Pink £345
Open Studios is here! Location #23
It is here! Herts Open Studios is less than a month away. I will be opening my studio on 8 and 15 September 11.30am - 5pm on each day. I am location number 23 in the brochure (page 14). Entry is free entry and it is a great opportunity to see and buy...
Tops and bottoms
Slightly obsessed with tea bowls at the moment. Happy with these colour combinations: looking forward to setting these up for individual shots.
Glaze colours on a sunny day
Couldn’t resist this shot decoration done, ready for the clear glaze. These pieces are in the kiln. Check back in two days for a results
Ergonomic edges, Set to dry. six teabowls later
Ergonomic edges later. Set to dry for thanks for the visit this afternoon @thecrystalhealer