The move to the new studio feels more complete now I have a doorstop! It feels like the great punctuation mark in the flow of my practice and moment to reflect on which step to take next.
There has now been a solid 9 months of making in the new space and the Open Studios was a great way to open up to the world and welcome it in. I am glad to say the ‘world’ visited!
Much of my making is directed by intuition and the last 9 months has been happy conversation between tableware and figurative sculpture. I realise now on a personal level that the tableware has been a process of homemaking, literally moving in and finding function for the new space. The result is a bold quality and function combined, which, as a thrower, is a subject I return to again and again. It has really worked well. Now I feel more able to focus on the making of figurative work which is in many ways more demanding but much more rewarding for it.
Happy Saturday folks!