Educator – participation ahead of the curve

24th April 2019

How is the making of a new page for the website worthy of a blog post? Well, because I’d be lying if I said it didn’t surprise me how straightforward it was.  The complexity of the ways in which I have worked with clay in engagement projects has only now been given clarity.

Recently I have been investigating the latest research in Arts for Health and Participation art and it seems that I was ahead of the curve on this.  Measuring the value and impact of these engagements on a national scale has been outside of my scope but I am fortunate that this has been going on amongst key innovators and influencers in this field, in the guise of Clayground Collective and their directors Duncan Hooson and Julia Rowntree in 2012/13. 

My own work has my own maker’s mark on, if you will, working with groups in a more intimate way, in a kind of off-grid way but still in the public realm;  it’s focus remains the celebration of the power of making to transform lives.

The driving force behind this post, though, is really the capacity for distillation:  to write one page that distills a huge breadth and depth of work and maintains an overview has been a small revelation to me, and worthy of sharing.

Take a look at the new page!



BBC Sunday Morning

On 5 March 2023 I appeared on BBC Sunday Morning Live.  It was a great and precious opportunity to talk on national television about the benefits and positive...

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